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« Next | CreamV2 by Nightbreed | Prev »
CreamV2 :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
I decided to go minimal and dark with this setup, then I changed my mind haha...
The scripts have been %100 optimized and the bottom and sidebar's themes can either be controlled via .style files or can take total theme .txt files run from BroamRelay text files. This interface now has alternate theme switching, using broams to send inset and toolbar calls to various buttons and controls to give a different theme to the same style. I also have a custom VDesk controller that is created totaly from bbi, that's located in the sidebar. Peace..... 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style CreamV2 
Wallpaper ForDarran 

Inauro It's always good to see styles in lighter colours for a change. Nice work, Nightbreed.
Nightbreed Thanks Inauro
Xavier-DL That is by far the nicest bb desktop I have seen to date!
Nightbreed Thank you much Xavier-DL.
auto Just curious, How much memory does bblean use with this setup?
Nightbreed At the most 2 megs. with bbmemShrink running on a steady timer it stays below 900k
darkmatter Beautiful work, Nightbreed. Is there any chance that you will release the style and/or the bbi scripts?
Nightbreed Thanks darkmatter, I'll release the style on my next screenshot. As far as scripts go, at the moment, the best I can do is answer how to's when you are building a bbi script. If I can get some webspace I may put up a skeleton script for people to build off of.
wilco_usa Most awesome.....great use of the plugins. Just wondering where you found the icons?

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