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BeyondGE :: Theo User Theo
I tried to make a scroll bar (Nightbreeds idea) using BBI, and it looks something like this.
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style BeyondGE by Theo
Wallpaper a modified wallpaper from the BGE game 

Nightbreed That is cool
Pitkon This is one of the most beautiful bars I've seen. Good work, Theo...
xssk I like very much the the side bar in the right... can you teach me how to do it ?
xssk I like very much the the side bar in the right... can you teach me how to do it ?
xssk I like very much the the side bar in the right... can you teach me how to do it ?
multifate yes theo i would like to know you did that image thumbnail thing
Nightbreed Dont forget Theo, you can do the scrollbar thing on anything that you need to give a fake scroll to. Even the whole sidebar hehe
Theo Thanks everyone xssk: if you have some questions yust ask here or on my e-mail... Btw. it really isnt that hard as it looks...

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