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XP Pro :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
This one, the sidebar is in Auto-hide mode and the media center's extra options are unselected. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style XP Pro 
Wallpaper XP Pro 

Inauro Looks a lot smoother in this format. Although, it always strikes me as somewhat odd to see a replacement shell married with a Microsoft wallpaper...heh.
Theo why not, it still is ms windows.... (but a little better :-)) nice shot btw.
Theo why not, it still is ms windows.... (but a little better :-)) nice shot btw.
Nightbreed Thanks all. I chose the wallpaper mainly because of the highlighting. To give the toolbar a reason for having the extra lighting. I would have prefered the wall with nothing on it to be honest but...
pHarciDe man, i love that glossy look on the toolbar
Nightbreed Thanks Pharcide. It's just a bbi frame set under the tool bar with a chrome bitmap. Both the frame and toolbar is set at 75% transparency.
sMs i like this one.. minimal =D .. what font do u use for this style?
Nightbreed Thanks sMs. The font is lucidux sans
sMs any link? or it is already instaleld with win xp?
Nightbreed It should be an Xp default
Reverend "It's just a bbi frame set under the tool bar with a chrome bitmap. Both the frame and toolbar is set at 75% transparency." Mmmm. This gives me ideas. ~schemes~
Nightbreed lol..Can't wait to see this one

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