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Why does it hurt? :: Rasmuson User Rasmuson
First screenshot. What do you think? 
Shell blackbox
Style Titanium 
Wallpaper Why does it hurt? 

auto Unless im mising something you uploaded the wallpaper on accident instead of the screenshot, welcome aboard anyway ;]
clovemagic Interesting wallpaper, btw. I'd love to see how the style looks against it.
pHarciDe serriously, thats cool style, it blends in soo well
clovemagic I'd love to see how the style looks with the wallpaper. ::slaps pHarciDe on the side of the head then reconsiders and laughs:: Rasmussen, whether accident or statement, I'm intrigued.
Nightbreed Well, most asked for minimal and this pretty much does it
Nightbreed And I bet the lil guy on the wall paper is a bbinterface :P jk
clovemagic lol. That's real innovation.
dakmatter Transparency issues?
rasmuson i know, i'm a stupid son of a biatch, but i uploaded it again, the right one
Nightbreed Don't sweat it Rasmuson, it was a nice break of humor.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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