

Styles Packs


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ekiho :: thewayofzen User thewayofzen
This is a style that was done by the request of a #bb4win user. Ariq asked me to see what i could mix up from the wall he gave me. With little much in the way of colors to pick from i think it still turned out okay. Enjoy! -Zen 
Shell xoblite
Style ekiho by thewayofzen
Wallpaper badger.jpg ask ariq where its from 

sMs i like ur slit =D is that multiamp?
thewayofzen yup multiamp5 beta its nice :)
sMs how come i dont have multiamp5 beta =P i want it... hope it will be released soon
GWJ Mateo Nice. Now do one for the mushroom!
Sven found the wallpaper link

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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