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Cannabis :: ~WeedToker~ User ~WeedToker~
Shell blackbox
Wallpaper Cannabis 

Sven Drugs other than alcohol are for the weak. Well, at least you are using a good browser :)
cthu1hu I'm George W Bush and I approve of this wallpaper.
~WeedToker~ ???Weed is not a drug! It is all natural.------------
Glad You like the wallpaper......I did it myself.
~WeedToker~ ???Weed is not a drug! It is all natural.------------
Glad You like the wallpaper......I did it myself.
~WeedToker~ ???Weed is not a drug! It is all natural.------------
Glad You like the wallpaper......I did it myself.
xo0m god put this here on the earth for US!!! take advantage ya'll ;)
Sven Weed contains THC, which we all know is a psychoactive aenesthetic. Thus, it is called a drug and illegal to possess and/or consume in most countries.
jegHegy the word "drug" doesn't have to do anything with the substance's legality.
cthu1hu If psychoactive anesthesia is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.
ZenLC uh, "all natural" has nothing to do with "drug." Most drugs have some natural source... Caffeine from coffee beans, aspirin from willow bark, cocaine from cacao leaves....
xo0m i guess noone recognized that movie quote...
jegHegy cocaine is made from coca leaves.
Noccy Sven, alcohol is a drug for the closed minded who doesn't mind blowing his brain cells for the rush. Just take a look on google to find lots of research indicating that alcohol is much more dangerous than weed is. (Btw is that wallie available for dl?)

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