

Styles Packs


« Next | bh_snow_1 by blockhead | Prev »
bh_snow_1 :: blockhead User blockhead
This is my first posted fluxbox style, based on a nice winter wall that I got from somewhere on deviantart (forgot where, so no link). The style should work on bb4win with no problems aside from the font name syntax and the rootCommand. The font in the screenshot is not the font specified in the style. Of all my styles, this one seems to look the most like a thewayofzen style. I hope someone enjoys it.
Shell Nix Box
Style bh_snow_1 by pcc aka blockhead
Wallpaper ericstree 

el capitan sexy :D you got my download... email me the wallpaper pls at
el capitan umm the style u posted looks nothing like the one in the screenshot :(
blockhead I goofed. Wrong picture. Sorry all.
snkmchnb fixed.
blockhead thanks snk! I'vm such a blockhead! note to all: if you don't see lots of white in the screenie, refresh your browser cache :)
el capitan nice one blockhead :D but is there any way i can get the style that was in the previous picture?
blockhead el capitan, I've just uploaded that style. It's called space_carrier_blue and as soon as it gets approved you should see it here on CM.
juztin beautiful!

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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