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Kathedral :: clovemagic User clovemagic
I made this style and the wallpaper to honor my hometown, New Orleans. The wall is a manipulation of an AP wire photo of St. Louis Cathedral in Jackson Square. I'm certainly not a graphic artist, but it was good therapy. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Kathedral by clovemagic
Wallpaper Kathedral by clovemagic 

captain im just wondering clove... do you have a version of bbstylemaker that supports those separate borders?
clovemagic I'm not altogether sure I understand which borders you mean, but I have no special version of stylemaker. If you mean the borders on the toolbars, that's just the result of a black background and shallow bevel. If that's not what you're asking, give it another shot and I'll try to figure it out. :D
Pitkon Excellent matching colors...
captain example: menu.hilite: flat solid border whenever i use stylemaker it doesnt have an option for element borders.
clovemagic captain: AFAIK, Stylemaker does not support those borders. The switch must be added manually in a text editing program. Example: menu.hilite: flat solid border menu.hilite.borderCo
lor: 000000 You can also designate the width of the border and the margin width. Thank you for your comment, Pikon. You're the boss. :D

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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