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SimpleCream :: lyrae User lyrae
My first style with fbsetroot. Have change to bsetroot for bblean etc. 
Shell Nix Box
Style SimpleCream by lyrae
Wallpaper fbsetroot 

Pitkon Clean and sleek... Beautiful - once again...
skwire That bordered, sunken look works really well with the colour scheme. Nice, lyrae.
davvv This may be a stupid question, but how do you get those icons? (are there any BBLean addons that do that?)
Nightbreed I like this one too.. Makes me want to use flux exclusively on my linux box ... This is a linux box davvv.. I think Lyrae is using fldesk or whatever it's called.. cant remember... but BBLean has bbicons or bbinterface desktop icons
lyrae Thanks everyone...davvv, Nightbreed is correct except it is not fbdesk it is idesk.
whop those are the best icons i've ever seen, please, where do they come from?
whop ok found them from Tuition screenshot sorry, thanks

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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