

Styles Packs


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happy winter :: dubox User dubox
style by mixa87 link
Shell Nix Box
Style cryogenic by mixa87 
Wallpaper snowman 

Nightbreed Very nice style. It's actually snowing here so the style fits my weather.. lol
spyderBlade got a question... i can't use this in bb4win or bblean can I? So far it ain't workin...too bad cause I really love the gloxx effect on the titlebars and i'm betting you need pixmaps to do it .................. right?
snkmchnb lovely style, dubox!
Pitkon Beautifdul matching of colors, dub! :D
Pitkon And, yes, spyderBlade, u r right... This is a fluxbox style with a GTK theme... Exactly what we need for/in Blackbox...
clovemagic This desktop is adoreable. I'm jealous. Er, what is "snow?" The only way I'll see this weather is on a wallpaper. LOL
Nightbreed Is something like per pixilation possible with blackbox. That would have to be coded into leanskin or winskin. Atleast from my take on it
Nightbreed You can have all the snow I'll get Clove :P
freeb0rn I'll have to disagree with bitmap styling in bb4win--just use litestep instead :P
Nightbreed seeing as how most plugins already uses images. I think that bit of advice is a little late :P

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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