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« Next | Screenshot june 24 2007 by thewayofzen | Prev »
Screenshot june 24 2007 :: thewayofzen User thewayofzen
This is a current work in progress. The icons will be changed and the style tweaked a little bit.
Openbox, pypanel, conky, icons are a mix of takmek3 and j3concepts for the moment.. Debating if i should start releasing openbox styles.. enjoy. 
Shell Nix Box
Style unnamed work in progress 
Wallpaper random tile. 

thewayofzen ignore the icons comment.. apparently i didnt open file manager for this shot in the first place.. go figure.
iTiVO This one is neat. I think you should start releasing openboxstyles! The syntax and all would be interesting to look at i guess. By the way i am using pidgin im as well. Great app that is.
Lord E. Great style. I like the menu.
Box-Fan I have to say that it's really nice work! Maybe you really should start with releasing themes.. So in fact, I've this comment to ask if you could give me a copy of your theme-config files? Or at least some URL/Link to where I could download your works? Could you also please give me a Link to where I can find this picture, you're using in the background of your desktop. I would be very happy to use this theme on my OpenBOX-System..
ArthurDent Where did you get that "random tile"? I like it!
thewayofzen please feel free to email me at thewayofzenATgmailDOTcom and i will gladly send the tile.. or even polish up the theme to send it to anyone interested.
Roots Nice :) Fan of the linux openbox/flux stuff. although I am useing XFCE+Beryl right now. Not alot of BBlean anymore.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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