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stormy :: dpcdpc11 User dpcdpc11
here is an updated version of my configuration... i added another frame that pops out when pressing the '+' button on the top bar and which contains: BBsky, BBnettraffic, BBreminder and BBoscilloscope.
and i also added a blank frame on the bottom bar to make it look a bit more stylish.
hope u like it! 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style weakness[dpcdpc11 remake] by thewayofzen
Wallpaper Th_urch 

Igneous Baah this has been bugging me for a while, how are you getting that incredibly sexy gnome bar up top? Is it something custom scripted in bbinterface or something?
dpcdpc11 glad u like my sexy gnome like bar dude... i made a detailed description of the bar's elements in a previous screenshot... but if you want i can email u my bbinterface.rc and see for yourself how everything comes together. today i found bbRssReader and i added it to the sidebar on the right... fits well together... who needs vista crap and vista sidebar when u can have everything in bbLean without Windows killing your PC??? BB4WIN KICKS ASS!!!!
dpcdpc11 here is the final version with bbRssReader included in the sidebar: link
Igneous Yeah i'm fairly new to programming bbinterface.. actually, programming altogeather. If you can, i'd really love a copy of that. hit me up at
Wobble That style works perfect with the wall, I really love that look :)
dpcdpc11 glad to hear positive feedback guys!
Lucanio i would also appreciate a copy of that code please.
Jine Me 2, Please send me a copy? Regards, Jim

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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