

Styles Packs


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TDoCC: Frosty :: mini-man User mini-man
Well here it is. For the next 12 days leading up till Christmas, one of us (iTiVO, snkmchnb, cthu1hu, and myself) will be subbing one item (a winamp? a bbstyle? anything that we desire, really) every 4 days. At the end we'll wrap it up with a suite a la iTiVO. ;D

Lineup is as follows:
Day 1 (Wednesday, 12 Dec): /\/\inimal
Day 2 (Thursday, 13 Dec): cthu1hu
Day 3 (Friday, 14 Dec): iTiVO
Day 4 (Saturday, 15 Dec): snkmchnb
Day 5 (Sunday, 16 Dec): /\/\inimal
Day 6 (Monday, 17 Dec): cthu1hu
Day 7 (Tuesday, 18 Dec): iTiVO
Day 8 (Wednesday, 19 Dec): snkmchnb
Day 9 (Thursday, 20 Dec): /\/\inimal
Day 10 (Friday, 21 Dec): cthu1hu
Day 11 (Saturday, 22 Dec): iTiVO
Day 12 (Sunday, 23 Dec): snkmchnb 
Shell xoblite
Style frosty by //inimal

XundoneX Hey, thanks for the style! I'm going to try each one for every day. So far this is an awesome start, I really love the wallpaper, and the style colors go together nicely :)
dpcdpc11 this looks like a great project guys.. good luck with it... you won't need it.. you got skillz!! and great style and matching wall Minimal!! nice work!
doctorfrog I'm impressed and inspired by the will to organize a 12 day style run. I'll be watching for the others...
mini-man Thanks all. Docfroggie: it's not all 100% winamps, f.ex iTiVO's doing a winamp for today - everything is also released on custo :D
dgen just love the color matching thingie :love:
mini-man Thanks

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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