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Rainbows :: q335r49 User q335r49
Cursor -- Comix White
Wallpaper -- Colour Swirl 4 by Ben Bacardi
Icons -- Sticker Icon by David Lanham
Font -- Agency FB
BBInterface for Volume Sliders (Master and Mix)
BBDigitalEx for clock and date
BBIconBox for quicklaunch, tasks, and tray
BBSlit for slit

My favorite theme... everything seems to work just like it should. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style googlish by q335r49
Wallpaper Colour Swirl 4 

arch0njw Is it possible to like and dislike something at the same time? I will err on the side of "like" and say "nice job"!!!
q335r49 I like it... what's makes it distinctive on boxshots or "deviant"-art is that it's in fact not idiosyncratic or "deviant". A lot of people, when they make desktops, want it to be their own little 'dorm room', with posters that they like, and a little code that they understand that. But I've found that I'm much more comfortable with something that is minimalist and "claims to be" so-called "user friendly". :-)
spilt I love it. I think its much harder trying to create a standard, easily useable, desktop for multiple users than say something personalized. this would look great on newly bought notebooks. very pro, great job man

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