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« Next | monoculture (wip) by doctorfrog | Prev »
monoculture (wip) :: doctorfrog User doctorfrog
Recently went Win7 64-bit. New OS, new bblean, everything is a mess and nothing goes together... time for a monochromatic style. too bad it bugs the hell outta me for some reason. maybe if i get rid of the icons on the right... 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style monoculture by doctorfrog (

meanmechanics holy seven! nice tu use? as os?
doctorfrog i like it (coming from a 32-bit XP). but more importantly, it's the future, so may as well get used to it. honestly, i might not have made the jump at all if bblean didn't work with it.
meanmechanics :-) I would even say : no box no meanmechanics on 7. Made some base config for my boss on his laptop though i hate putting good dough on something just for the sake of novelty I find it pleasant to the eye, and work with

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