atheism1trubelief 2013-11-03 11:08 In bbleanbar.rc, like all plugins. You can even disable the whole plugin for getting rid of distractions. And maybe kill blackbox.exe process, this should achieve the highest of minimalism, letting you concentrate on facebook/4chan rather than work.
ErraticFox 2013-10-27 20:03 Can someone tell me how to disable the circle on bbleanbar? Aswell as the task tray icons? I'd love it. Thanks.
meanmechanics 2013-10-12 12:24 @junk may be weird, may be outdated but still the largest repository of styles that I know for the mswindows blackbox desktop. Moreover boxshots is smell the original soup with some of the cooks that come here from time to time and this statement doesnt discredit the da group. BS is just something else and hope not dying like evrything else
meanmechanics 2013-10-12 12:10 you should!
snkmchnb 2013-10-04 17:35 .. thinking about making a comeback.
@junk 2013-09-15 02:37 people still use it, just the styles have become more creative and thereby not usually posted on this weird and outdated looking site. Visit link
bbpager 2013-09-15 02:30 If you can find the source, I can try creating a 64bit build. Although it looks like it is yet another closed-source plugin
xoblite 2013-08-29 23:54 PONG :)
junkie 2013-08-28 11:35 Hei there boxorz! Good to see the site is still up and running. I haven't really used *box for over 4 years now, even then it was a dying breed, but man, there are some die hard fans of box still around! Keep up the good spirit guys, and keep on boxing! :)
cra3y 2013-08-24 02:56 .. and bbPager x64 plugin :-)