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maladr0it :: maladr0it User maladr0it
blackbox titanium theme with some plugins. chosenos winamp skin. wallpaper by me (link) also used is style xp with the visual style "rhodium" in the "community" package. first time i ever tried using blackbox. i dont think it looks too bad :P 
Shell blackbox

Inauro Looks good, maladr0it. I've been looking around to see if there is a way to change the bbsysmon alignment to vertical so it fits better with the vertical orientation of your slit; so far, no luck. You might like to drop by the Loose-Screws forum link to see if someone can help you out with that. Welcome aboard, btw.
pforg O think it looks nice as well maladr0it. For sysmon in a vertical slit you could probably put enters [\n] after each value, and edit the width to make it as thin as you can. Thats about the only option I can think of, also you can change "CPU:" to "C:" or something like that, for instance.

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