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Divination :: pforg User pforg
And now for something completely lest from me. I am really liking this one. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Divination 

Nightbreed Nice one pfrog
Inauro Hmm, another excellent style by pforg. How is this different again? Great work.
snkmchnb pforg: that is beautiful..
Skwire Nicely chosen gradient on the menu body. Mimics the "storm above the fields" really well. Kudos.
Combover So, I am a total noob to the BB phenominon. How exactly can I use this beautiful style? I don't see any linky for a download. THX!
Combover So, I am a total noob to the BB phenominon. How exactly can I use this beautiful style? I don't see any linky for a download. THX!
AJ breathtaking background pforg, and the style does work very well on top of it. I'd love to get the style as well. of course a link to the WP wouldnt hurt either hehe. if not i think I have some shots that will match up with the style just fine :)
cthu1hu Great style. Combover: pforg hasn't released it. The title "Divination" in the style column above will be a link, and a "?" glyph will be on the main page if a style was uploaded with the screenshot.
Theo Great wallpaper I must say...
frantic This is nice, goes extremely well with the wall. Great gradients. I'm not sure I'm liking the font, tho...
pforg Thanks everyone for the comments. Wall and style can be found here link. The wall isn't mine... it was a photo I found at devart, which I wallpapered. I became so cought up in the style when I went back and tried to get the photo again for a credit link, it was impossible to find, even after an hour of looking. So whomever you are, thank you for a great photo, sorry I cannot give credit where credit is very due.
Combover Thanks so much for the great style! Last question, what is the bar on the bottom? Is that the BBLC you speak of above? Thanks again.
Zargo impressive work! where can i download the font btw?
Rex I like. I have. I use. Nice work!
Rex I like. I have. I use. Nice work!
Rex I like. I have. I use. Nice work!
flux702 wow! that's awesome! can you tell me what font you used?

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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