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CSI :: Arc Angel User Arc Angel
Taken from the game based on the series, I liked the loading screen and wanted to theme it. A side note, this theme looks great on a flatscreen monitor. A 3dcc of my creation has been included at the end of the file. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style CSI by Arc Angel
Wallpaper CSI.JPG 

Kaloth Nice style! What's that console your using? I've been looking for a alt to cmd.exe for ages :)
Inauro This is really good. I like the strong contrast between the menu.frame and menu.hilite. Nice work.
Arc Angel Thanx guys... It's called, err, Console by Marko Bozikovic, available at link
anvil console is just a frontend...not a replacement... :)
4mad3r This console work only 2000, NT, XP. Why not work 98Se
Arc Angel I haven't looked at the source code, but it's likely to do with the transparency implementation... You could try eConsole instead from link
Kaloth Thanks peeps :)
4mad3r thenks Arc Angel
Trust Very nice Arc Angel!

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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