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first noble truth :: thewayofzen User thewayofzen
not much to say. midnite blue and a little bit of black.
Hope it works for someone.
I am using the latest bbcalendar. Its pretty sweet.
Theo if u get a chance i had a question or two about it though..
Shell xoblite
Style first noble truth by thewayofzen
Wallpaper solarflare1-10_full.gif found on devart i think 

Colt_Reaper Awsome, as usual.
Theo i should be to today in the #bb4win forum so try to catch me there (10/09)
sms do we have to configure the colro for the slit? or that is just for th xboblite?
thewayofzen in an earlier build of bb2 i had to configure it if i remember correctly. ive been leaving it there just in case ever since.
qwilk Both BBSlit and xoblite bb2 use the slit style settings if defined, and falls back to the toolbar if not defined.
sMs oh cool... qwilk do u have any date for xbolite realse? or the answer still is: COMING SOON
qwilk sMs: I was going to release it two weeks ago, but I wanted to get up and running first. Now I am enjoying parental leave, which means I don't get that much time in front of the computer... ;) ...keep the faith though, it's coming! :D
sMs i c.... beer sex and rok and roll ... nice
Tmax Zen, you keep putting out some of the best here... nice work, and thanks for another great one. Found the wallpaper, [/url]link
Tmax sorry, not a programmer :) link
winder Pretty nice style, wayof zen :) My only small complain is that the taskbar seems to look a little weird with it... at least in my case with SystemBarEx and BBLean... more drawing problems than usual :(
Brian The wall is on, too: link
thewayofzen winder: if u are having troubles with how things are being drawn with bbsystembarEX u might want to check your config of the bar itself. i have checked it with systembarex as per your complaints, as i was an avid sbEX user before bb2 fell into my world and it works fine here. no clue what to tell ya .. keep me posted.
Jesterace uNF!!

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