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Movement in still life :: Shawan User Shawan
No more exams for the time being so I take advantage to make a style :)
You can find this beautiful wall here -> link 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style movement in still life by shawan
Wallpaper Movement in still life 

jimmy Very nice and delicate :) What are you studing?
Arc Angel Damn, that is one sexy menu... nice choices...
cthu1hu beautiful
Shawan thanks a lot jimmy, arc angel and cthu1hu :) @ jimmy : I'm still at high school (lycée) where I'm studying economics and social science, this means i'll take french literature and biology exams at the end of this year (the last but one).
Nightbreed This is really nice Shawan.. love the colors :)
jimmy Well... So next year University... I had a lot of fun at high school... enjoy your life as long as you can now becouse University is completely different eheh ... Bye :)
Shawan Thank you very much Nightbreed I love blue as well :) Thx Jimmy actually I don't think I'll go to university but I still have one year to decide myself what to do after high school... anyway don't worry I have much fun at school (I work hard all the same :D)
jimmy Follow your dreams, University is not so important if not essential for realyzing them ;) bye
Elac Love the colours
Shawan thanks Elac :)
Dragon12 Very Nice. A soothing sort of blue.
Shawan Thank you very much Dragon12 :)
qwilk Nice use of borders! Btw, please note that you should specify the weight tag in the font line if using xoblite format strings, e.g. menu.title.font: petit/15/BoldShadow
shawan Thanks a lot qwilk for your advise, I'll do it next time for sure :)

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