

Styles Packs


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XP? :: simplicity@sea User simplicity@sea
I own absolutely no part of these items. All materials are copyright to their respective owners.  
Shell bluebox
Style Guardian by dreamer
Wallpaper Standard Windows Sample Wallpaper 

Pitkon I think I don't get this... Guardian is by dreamer and u r uploading it here? Does he know about this?
eL'Cirticon shut up pitkon! "=)
moshi no, pitkon is right. why not posting a link to dreamer?s website instead. nowhere at dreamer?s site i read that it is ok to redistribute his stuff.
NC-17 sigh, i'm sure it's fine. the upload facility is there to upload styles whether they are yours or not. We had charcoal by qwilk uploaded a while ago by someone else. It clearly says it's not his and who it is by. No need to get in a huff.
frantic NC-17 is right. You can upload stuff here no matter who the owner is. That said, I'd rather people wouldn't post other people's stuff because that creates multiple styles. Just my 5 1/100 $
Pitkon I was wondering about this, since this doesn't seem to be the case with the majority of sites. Authors should be asked for permission before someone submits their own styles. I went into a lot of trouble trying to obtain permission from various authors, even for the icons that appear on my desktop and r used for a style of mine, even for players' skins and stuff. No one denied. It doesn't hurt to respect each other in a community - and, besides, it's a great way to communicate, make friends, and exchange ideas and advice.
simplicity@sea Fine, you win. Since the mile long disclaimer I have always included with the files is not working, I won't be uploading them any longer.
Pitkon Simplicity@sea, I don't think this is the issue. And no one wins if u stop uploading - less of all the community. U r a part if it and a decent part, judging by the fact that u always include a disclaimer. I - and perhaps some others - were only trying to say that there should be a better way to do this, a way in which ur help and ur opinion could be valuable.
simplicity@sea o.k., thats cool then. However would work best is fine by me. My whole purpose in uploading those styles was to: 1. Show off bluebox to a large install base of blackbox users. 2. To show what the authors style would look like on a user desktop running bluebox. A lot of the authors sites have the files to download, but they do not have any pictures of how users are "using" them. My goal here was not in any way to discredit an author, but instead, to acknowledge and "Show" the work of the authors. Again, I have only uploaded 3 files so far and I have no plans to upload every file by any author. At most, I was simply planning on uploading maybe 1 file per author or less. The other goal was to show what I enjoy and thereby, help other users decide what styles they will enjoy. Bluebox isn't like litestep, it can be used by everyone including the layperson.
Pitkon I'm glad, simplicity@sea. Glad for ur decision, and glad cause there is no misunderstanding. Perhaps the community should set some rules and u r a decent part of the community.
Tres`ni This has been hashed and re-hashed a thousand times.. Uploading other people's styles is absolutely 100% okay as long as you are not claiming ownership (and there is nothing explicitly stating that you can't) Most styles are not released under any specific license which automaticly classifisy them as Public Domain. Anyway, me and the other moderators are working on something.. Just give us some time :-P

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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