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Dominant :: Pitkon User Pitkon
Another style of the ten included in the next BBClean release by noccy 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Dominant 

pkt-zer0 Hmm, now I can see why you'd want to have spherical controls to go along with that background. :P
Pitkon ONE of the reasons, pkt-zer0. Thing is, is it feasible???
pkt-zer0 To be honest, I've no idea about how feasible it would be, since I haven't looked into this subject in such detail. Though now that my programming skills have improved a bit, I do intend to check that out sooner or later. However, I'm the sort of guy that puts functionality above appearance. You could blame my imagination for finding so many things I'd sooner fix than improve the graphics, I guess. :P
Pitkon There is nothing wrong with your imagination, pkt-zer0, it's just a matter of priorities. I understand, I thought, however, that if a "none" style could be used over another "none" child (children elements) with no magic pinks, this would solve the problem, don't you think?
pkt-zer0 Well, those wouldn't be style-dependent resizable controls, but it's a bit simpler to do, at least. It's still far from trivial, since the Win32 API is one ugly and messed up bastard, but now I have an idea how it could be done.
Pitkon Ah, there is hope then! Thanx, my friend, you made my day :)

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