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corpus :: cthu1hu User cthu1hu
Shell BBLC\BBLean

doctorfrog At this point, I'm assuming you work in a very dark room, with a very high contrast monitor, and that you have the vision of a hawk. I kid, nice style.
cthu1hu My monitor has one of those "ultrabright" screens. I have the brightness turned down quite a bit, but maybe not enough. I really should calibrate it.
cthu1hu ..and by "monitor," I meant "laptop." I need some caffeine.
doctorfrog I've been using Calibrize as a replacement for the old Adobe applet. It's free. link Also, try Nokia's old monitor: test app: link
noka Hay chu. Always good stuff. I love those bottom two bars. do you think you could hook me up with this style, and maybe link to the plugins for that samurizeish bar on top of the taskbar?
cthu1hu Thanks. Your latest at pf is a beauty. Here's the style. The plugin is bbinterface. Here's the simple script, for what it's worth.
noka thanks. i loaded that .rc but now nothing happens when i load bbinterface. got any idea why? never used that plugin before i think..
cthu1hu The plugin window itself might be off your screen. It's set for 1280x800, which there's an x and y in the rc.
noka tried that, but didnt work. sucks, really wanted it to work. looks so smooth.
cthu1hu Are you using version 0.9.9k9c? I don't know, I don't use it very often either. It's a lot lighter than rainmeter though. Maybe try a clean in stall of it and copy/paste the individual elements..
tX Though i find the art you use quite spine-chilling i always like your styles :)
meanmechanics Hi cthu1hu! Very nice! The bottom bar looks a lot like bmpanel! (thought you never use bbinterface... :-)
cthu1hu Thanks. Every time I try rainmeter, I think about bbinterface, which is so much easier and lighter..

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