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Article 2004-06-12 16:51:29
I have written an article on my site about BB4Win, if you're interested in reading it check out the story link.
Comments: 10 story link by: Jesterace

cthu1hu Good article. I prefer the old school minimalism, myself.
Tomacco_Boy Great article, plus you summed it up right in the end, the only way to find out what flavour of bb4win for you is to try them all out. I know i have and found bblean to be my fave.
pHarciDe nice read
cthu1hu Anyone know what ever happened to azathoth?
Inauro As in the developer of Darkstep themes, Azathoth?
NC-17 he's working in dublin, writing some sitcoms and doing website work i believe.
cthu1hu I meant the author of the original bb4win, Inauro. Writing sitcoms? Wow, that's weird. Didn't know the guy or anything. Just curious.
Jesterace That darkstep link brought back memories :p
NC-17 the darkstep themes author and creator of bb4win are one and the same.
Inauro I figured it was the same guy, just thought i should post the Darkstep link for those who remembered it.

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