

Styles Packs


bbLean1.12U1 2004-02-24 08:13:04
bbLean 1.12U1 released.
[ed. Change log note the following:
- fixed crashs with TaskMgr and hopefully on exit/shutdown
- fixed lag with foobar2000 etc.
- bbLeanBar looks better with icons and should keep position after resolution changes

Change Log can be found here

download here:
Comments: 8 story link by: dubox

xo0m whats the difference betw this release and the other bblean release?
Pitkon Good question... I think only grischka can reply to this... In fact, I don't think the other release justified the 1.12 tag. I think a patch for the few problems that were fixed would be enough - plus, an independed zip for the new bbleanskin...
oldskull xo0m: In change log linkhave a fews things to tell you what is de difference from other release.
grischka Basically Pitkon is right. It's only that I'm too lazy to maintain separate zips, and also I want the download pack contain the fixes for people who are new to it. Just pick from it what you think, and keep your configurations anyway.
cthu1hu It fixed my task manager crash issue, but the systray icons still look off, like there's no alpha blending with drop shadows, or something... Is it rendering them in a different way?
grischka I dont have alpha blending icons, so I'm not shure, but I changed it for U1 and bladestaylor said it works now. We speak of bbleanbar, right?
Trust If you use bblean you need to update =) He has corrected the icons (CPU eating) problem.
cthu1hu Yeah, the bbleanbar grischka, sorry. I updated the bblean core, but not bbleanbar. Got my act together now though, and see that everything's perfect.

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