

Styles Packs


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00101 :: NC-17 User NC-17
This isn't a .style file, because I don't know whether Tres`ni has allowed that yet.

Wallpaper from

I definitely fancied a bit of green :) 
Shell blackbox
Style 00101 by nc-17 (
Wallpaper 00101_1280.jpg 

auto nice work ;] - ive been sitting on a style i made for this wall, ill have to catch qwilk on aim and see if its ok to post a screenshot as im running bb2. Its always interesting to me to see how the same wall can create many different styles.
NC-17 i'd love to see it! it took me _ages_ to figure out what direction it was finally going to go in.
necroboi very sweet :) auto, that'd be great if you post your version too
oldskull nice and smooth
qwilk auto: sure, that's ok... :D
NC-17 thanks peeps :)
Inauro Oh man, this is sweet. I saw this wall a while ago and thought, "i could never get enough contrasts out of that to make a style", looks like i was wrong. Great work NC-17.
freeb0rn im aroused.
NC-17 lol freeb0rn, thanks guys
Pitkon Only one word can describe this. Beautiful.
zerosleep I dig. NIce style for a nice wall. ^^

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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