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Jetson :: clovemagic User clovemagic
I loved the "futuristic fifties" look of the Marcintesh icons, so I built a style around them. The "fontdinerdotcom loungy" font just seemed to fit (available at 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Jetson by clovemagic
Wallpaper based on a Marcintesh OS-W icon by Markusfarkus 

Nightbreed been a while since I heard the jetson's name. Nice blending Clove.
AJ very nice indeed. Everything incorporates very well. I really like the icons used here. Espcialy the bbnote and bbstylemaker (Im assuming) icons - self made?
Rev Y'know.. in the long run, I like the slit side-bar concept.. but the fact that the actual plugins (BB8Ball, BBBin, et cetera) stack, leaving that mess of empty space in the bar. It drives me nuts. ~l~ .......... But anyway, great stuff Clove.
Nightbreed Just remember Rev.. all the functions of the other plugins can be accessed via bro@ms so, Dont slit the plugins, put them in a corner somewhere and set their transparency to 0 and use bbi buttons or switches to control them. BBball for example: just use a button to send the bro@m that activates the popup message. BBBin you can always have another button that activates it, then dumps the recycle bin, and then close the plugin. BroamRelay and bbcontroller, bbkontroller are perfect ways to do this
clovemagic Rev, I agree about the stacked plugins. I'll try NB's great suggestion (maybe tomorrow -- I may have had too much wine tonight, but who knows?) AJ, yes, I slapped the BB icons together -- cutting and pasting is my best talent. ;)
Inauro Nice style, clovemagic.
looper I'm curious, what three functions do the three Thunderbird icons do? :scratches head: I can only think of two ... the program itself, and a mailto: icon. And what's the meaning of the text next to your minimize buttons on your shaded tasks? Not quite comprehending that.
Rev Not a bad idea, NB.. except.. yeah. I haven't figured out BBI -that- well yet. ~l~
clovemagic looper: The TB icons are for inbox, calendar and addr book. I often need quick access to the latter two without a need to run the whole program. The mystery buttons I think you're referring to are a button to quickly show/hide the sidebar and a shortcut to Shirusu Pad, my awesome notepad app.
clovemagic Inauro: Thank you kindly. Rev: I gave in and tried NB's transparency trick with the plugins and BBI. It was really easy and led to my slimming down the sidebar considerably. I have not yet learned enough about BroamRelay and bbcontroller to try anything more complicated tonight. :D
Nightbreed Rev, just set the Blackbox menu to display Bro@ms and go through some of the plugin menus. If there is a plugin that you want to use but you dont want always active just use the blackbox bro@ms in the mouse click events.
looper Thanks, clovemagic. Yep, those were the mystery buttons. So, are they actually in your app titlebars, & if so, how'd you do that? Hmm, I didn't know TB had a calendar.
Rev Don't know. Think I'll just stick with things the way I have them now. Heh. ....................
. At least, that is, until I get really bored. ~lol~
clovemagic Hehe, Rev. Boredom is the key to creativity. :P

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