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angel :: inf3rnal User inf3rnal
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Wallpaper got it from deviantart long time ago 

pforg I'm loving that style inf3rnal, and the wall as well. Wish you had posted the style though, and perhaps some info as to where to grab the wall to go with it. Really impressive looking work!
inf3rnal thx but its not my style ;( its ominous_cloud by crowmag you can find it a few sceenshots earlier i love it too the wall mmh took me a while too find it again :) link hf
pforg Oh... well that's a good reason not to post the stlye. =] It does blend very well with the wall though, thanks very much for supplying the link for it.
ptyrider How come my bbcalender don't look like that? How'd you do it?
ptyrider How come my bbcalender don't look like that? How'd you do it?
inf3rnal its not bbcalender its rainlendar link
AJ pretty cool - I saw this wallpaper and loved it. I saw Crowmag's style and loved it as well, never thought to try the two together :)
Abraxas I want this Wallpaper. Any chance you can post it somewhere?

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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