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bb4win Origins :: meanmechanics User meanmechanics
Ok...I do sub a lot and may be some may find this a little...we'll say disturbing for my own sake.
The first BB4win fork that I've downloaded was BB4win mod by unkamunka. I still have a little heart throb when I think of it. It's like your first love. 2nd one was xoblite sexy! The last but not the least, the one that has all my "love" is BBlean by gricshka.
Black Box for windows (the first) that I've just downloaded features a style by qwilk that has followed me in all the forks that I've downloaded till now, over the months it has aged well never been deleted, never been mod...except today when I thought that I can try to light it up a bit for the eee pc that has a glossy screen (outdoors the reflection is worst than a mirror) I am, still trying to figure out if I haven't abuse my upload "quota" (can't help myself making styles, it's compulsive 2 or 3 per day is a minimum)
Anyway as soon as my karmic live cd is here I'll be squatting the ubuntu forums so I'm going to sub this hot charcoal as a tribute to all the devs of blackbox 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style BB4win qwilk charcoal by meanmechanics
Wallpaper bg.png 

ZR old_school+shadows :D
meanmechanics :-D YEp YeP!!! Back to square one do not collect $200! Just revisited the cold charcoal to a hot one! Qwilk is the best!
Spoofing oldschool, awesome)..
meanmechanics thanks

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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