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BBClean-NG Back In Business! 2011-10-15 02:10:53
Yes, it’s been a long time, but Noccy is back and is reviving his BBClean version, the promising NG build. Let’s hear it from the man himself, as posted on his bbclean.wordpress blog:
“It’s been a while since I have updated this blog, but it’s about time. The reason is as I have written earlier that I am currently using Linux rather than Windows, and thus development of a Windows shell is a bit far off for me.
However… I have been approached by Pitkon and asked to join in and help bring bb4win back on the map, and the way I can imagine doing this is by picking up bbClean-ng again, pretty much where I left off. This includes making it compile natively on both Windows and Linux, by abstracting the API enough to allow for native code to do the magic voodoo while the actual shell is oblivious about what is underneath. Creating this bridge could help unite the *boxes and take the concept to the next level.
The only thing that is working against me there is the fact that Xfce is awesome enough to use and enjoy. But then again, writing a cross platform shell/wm is definitely a challenge worth taking on.”
Let’s all give him a hand over at
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