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Another Programmer Joins In 2012-04-16 00:57:04
Another programmer, philliph, joined forces with BBs best to work on the core and plugins. Which means, new options to make a great shell even greater. There is a list of things we would like to see and I am sure you have your own wishlist so go ahead and post it on lostinthebox. And if there are more programmers out there interested in volunteering, we would love to hear from you.
Comments: 8   by: Pitkon

Doctorfrog Good news! Which variant is this new blood planning to work on?
Pitkon BBClean by XZero450
meanmechanics help xzero450 with BBlean 1.7.1 and stylemaker plus bbedgeflip on bblean 1.7.1 :)
Pitkon bbstylemaker plus to work with split gradients would be a dream come true, Alex! Unfortunately grischka does not seem to care :(
meanmechanics :(xzero450 said he will have a look at the code if only he had some help.:)but who knows with grischka?tomorrow he may be back with some new exciting things?
Pitkon Not very likely, Alex...
meanmechanics bad bad bad bad en vérité mon ami nous vivons en des temps tres sombres...
Pitkon C est vrai, mon ami...

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