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Life Made Easy 2003-11-22 17:34:24
Just posted the info to the Forums, right about there actually. I wrote a little utility that should make some people's lives easier. It's called BBController, it's a command line utility that will allow you to seemlessly execute differant "hidden" commands in BB4Win (and hopefully xoblite and BBLean as well, though not tested :D ) All the information you need should be in that post.

In other wonderous news, Fatman has posted BBShelf 0.7. Still very much a beta release, it does now actually show icons and apparently allow limited interaction (read clickin on) of the icons. Hey, this is an awesome start and I can't wait to see more of what will be going into BBShelf! Fatman does note that he will be concentrating on school studies for the next little while and has little time to dedicate to BB coding. We wish Fatman the best of luck at his studies, and await the next release of BBShelf :)

And in not so wonderous news, Bluebox's site is down at the moment. I got in contact with nivenh and he said they are moving servers and it should be resolved "soon", just some glitches that need worked out. We will let you know as soon as we hear anything.
Comments: 3   by: Tres`ni

Tres`ni If you downloaded version 0.01 of BBController, please go get 0.02. 0.01 was sending incorrect parameters for some messages, doesn't cause a crash, but does some unexpected things. All fixed in 0.02
qwilk ...and it works fine with xoblite too... :D
Tres`ni Version 0.03 of BBController is posted, read about it at link

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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