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Site Update 2003-11-25 18:57:44
Ok I noticed Auto is using flux box so I added a *nix Variant option for selecting what version you are using. Just state in the description which variant you're using. Hehe it'd be alot of stuff to put just to put the most common *box wm's on the submit page :P
Comments: 15   by: Jesterace

auto Damn now thats what i call service ;]
snkmchnb i was begining to wonder when the other *nix box varients would be added to the list.. excelent anti-descrimination!
Pitkon We r all a big happy family, really...
Tres`ni The next revision of the site will include as many as of the *nix variants as I can muster up. This site was only targeted at windows *box users so I never thought to include *nix variants..
Eff I use Fluxbox on Linux. I like the site, and the screens, so I hope no one minds if I post mine.
NC-17 not at all Eff, post away!
auto I think everyone would like to see more *nix ss's on the site. Welcome aboard ;]
snkmchnb damn right auto. i think i'm gonna get my linux box back up and do some posts =D
Tres`ni I use KDE on my *nix box, so I don't my screenshots would be appropriate, but upload away on any *box WM people!
Jesterace Use blackbox be one of us :P make an identical desktop on both machines c'mon you know you wanna do it :P
evolve I'd like to be a Fluxbox user myself in the near future just for that pixmap goodness in the current dev releases.
auto I tried out the current dev release last night and had all kinds of problems with it, might want to wait awhile.
Eff Yesh, it's really not ready yet. It looks good, but it feels a lot more clnky than release.
cthu1hu It's SLOW, which defeats the purpose of fluxbox. Makes no sense.
Tres`ni Anyone follow OpenBox? Did you know OpenBox 3 is not compatible with previous OpenBox themes or blackbox themes!?! Sucks cause there were some nice OpenBox themes that no longer work (old downloads are gone..)

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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