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Platinum Blue :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
Hi, my name is NightBreed and I'm an alc.. opps, wrong place. Playing around with more tcl4bb scripts making bbamp all tcl, well a good majority of it. Also trying out more transparancy effects on the taskbar. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Platinum Blue 
Wallpaper Platinum Blue 

Pitkon His name is NightBreed and he is with Blackboxers Anonymous... Lol... Not so anonymous anymore. He's been 4 hrs without any tinkering, so pls help him... :D Beautiful work again, Gary!
Nightbreed lmao... thanks Pete. They told me this would be easy with the support of friends... haha... now where'd I put my tequilla
spyderBlade Dude... take a break, let us common folk catch up to your tcl wizadry. Seriously, If i changed my desktop that often and that radically. i'd have to hold training sessions for the rest of my family every hour or so! But at least you bring quality and innovation....... unlike that *other* guy who rhymes with smurple.
Nightbreed lmao.. thanks SpyderBlade.. The only reason I change my desktop is because I don't want to upload the same style image just to show a new toy.. haha.. I really only use my vista style
Nightbreed lol again @ smurple
clovemagic ::low whistle:: That bbamp looks like a monster. :-D
Nightbreed lol.. bbamp is just the one bbi script.. the mixer is or was the larger one I just cut the size to winamps eq size and I resized bbibrowser to the width of winamp.. hehe
tech10171968 Nightbreed is easily one of the best stylers in this community, and this screenie is ample evidence.
Nightbreed Much thanks Tech.

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