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AutoUpdating BB4Win (and some plugins) 2004-05-29 17:14:47
Kaloth has released a new plugin BBPlugManager adds AutoUpdating functionality to BB4Win and it's other branches.

BBPlugManager provides dynamic plugin loading/update (similar to that of xoblite)
in the form of a plugin for all *box branches (Tested on xoblite and BB4win).
It also provides extra features, these are listed below...

* Dynamic Plugin loading/toggle/update.
* Zip update extraction.
* BeginPluginEx support.
* Sticky Controller : alows user to specify window classes to make sticky (ie: appear on all workspaces).
* Transparency Controller : Same as Sticky Controller but for transparency instead.

Download Geocities DTO

We also have updates to BBOscilliscope and BBSpectrum as well. Most notably IMHHO is slit support :)

BBOscilliscope Geocities DTO

BBSpectrum Geocities DTO
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