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BB08LC On the Loose! 2003-07-17 07:26:41
Updates for the latest BB08LC:
* fixed the 'diamond' bullet
setting for all bullets in extensions.rc: blackbox.appearance.bullet.unix:
true = small size(4), false = large size(6)
* the word 'nolabel' on any line in bbkeys.rc disables the display for key commands on the toolbar.
* tweaked autoraising of overlapping, pinned menus (also stripped 'opaque.window.move' option).
* new gradient code (-9kb). Elliptic gradients and sunken bevels are handled more consistently (IMO). 'ParseLiteralColor' deflated (-3kb).
* restart logic changed (workspaces and desktop are preserved).
* sometimes windows changed workspace or disappeared, when minimized. Should not happen anymore.
* BBSystemBar got a 'show current tasks only' option. In the menu or with alt-right-click in the task zone.

I think that's everything since the last version I saw/posted about.. You can check out the changelog here and downloads are here. This build was actually released July 12th.
Comments: 0   by: Tres`ni

Site Update 2003-07-04 21:24:07
You now have the option of uploading the style file you are using with your screenshot.. You can either set the name, or upload a style file (in which case the style's name and author are extracted from the style file.) Please let me know if this causes any problems, I've tried to test it out by myself as much as possible, but ya know how it goes. Anyway, get to uploadin :-P

Things to come: Wallpaper uploading and RSS/RDF newfeed (why not right :-P )

Happy 4th of July!
Comments: 2 story link by: Tres`ni

Slackin Agian 2003-06-28 19:19:05
Some news from the BB4Win community:
1) grischka has released a new version of BB08LC. It includes fixes to the Desktop, Toolbar, and Workspaces. Changelog avaiable here. Download BB08LC at grischka's site here.
2)Mortar has released version 0.7 of BBSysmon. Now includes monitoring of Swap and Slit support. You can download it over here. Read the included BBSysmon.html for more information on this update!
3) SpamRat has released a beta preview of BBME (Blackbox Menu Editor) which you can get you hands on here. Make sure to give him lots of feedback here.

And now back to my normal slacking :-P
Comments: 2 story link by: Tres`ni

Community New Roundup 2003-06-23 20:29:26
Three things in this little post, well 2, but 1 affects 2 sites so I'll count is as 3. Anyway, it appears that the server is having MySQL Server problems meaning that bluebox and bb4win main sites are both down as is (okay so that affects 3 sites, not 2.. actually it affects a lot of sites, but those are the 3 in my main rotation...)

On a happy note, owl (a masterful style maker) now has his own site! Check it out and download his styles, they're just plain cool!
Comments: 6   by: Tres`ni

BB4Win 0.0.90 RC 1 2003-06-19 19:24:59
As announced over at the BB4Win Development Team has release a new nightly build dubbed 0.0.90 Release Canidate 1. They are asking for all brave souls (and even the timid ones) to try it out and make them aware of any bugs that need to be fixed before this release is made offical!
Comments: 0 story link by: Tres`ni

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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