

Styles Packs


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aki :: thewayofzen User thewayofzen
this is my latest style. i really think im in a zone right now where the bevels and such arent going to change soo much for a while. ive been really satisfied with the "look" of them in my work lately.. i have however decided that perhaps i could make a little effort now and then to add some differentiation with the focus/unfocus window titles.. a little advice from snkmchnb.. the test images i uploaded today of this style looked like POOP cause of the image compression.. so forgive me if the poo gets a repeat performance on this one.
Hope you like it. Enjoy! -Zen 
Shell xoblite
Style aki by thewayofzen
Wallpaper devart Radiositrees_II_by_Skokie.jpg 

juztin not really my style....but for some reason, i really like it! if i was going to install bb4win on my mom's computer, i'd give her this setup :) not saying it's girly in any way, my mom just likes plants :)
thewayofzen thats hilarious lol
Inauro Looks great to me, zen. Love the coppery tones with the green.
el capitan nice style... -has a fit- I WANNA A XOB WITH SYSTEMBAR SUPPORT! /endwhine
clovemagic This is very lovely, zen -- quite elegant. I love it, but hey, I'm a mom. ;P
crowmag I really like the earth tones here, curious to see how the menus will look in bbLean. Too bad about the JPG always making reds look smeared but the preview looks great despite that. Nice job zen.
secret admirer hey sexy thang. very nice you impress me again.. keep them comming i'm showing you off... hehehe
sMs link for the wallpaper??
tellya link
sMS thanx here
Fatman Another good one, zen. Mmmm.
snkmchnb going through some of your styles, this one is just awesome.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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