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BB4Win Open To New Members Again! 2011-09-30 03:00:54
Thanks to NC-17, registration procedure is now back to normal and we can welcome new members. We had many complaints from people whose valid e-mail address was considered invalid by the system, but NC-17 pinpointed and corrected the error. So, come over and join us, people, we just welcomed our 4490th member! Maybe we’ll open champagnes for the 5000th or offer something. We will see…
Comments: 0   by: Pitkon

Developers Needed! 2011-09-15 01:57:55
Blackbox needs developers desperately. If you can code anything, from a plugin to an improvement on an old open source build to a completely new build (we wish) than please come in touch with us, either on boxshots/lostinthebox/bb4win or e-mail me at You can help this shell and this community find their rightful place in the Windows 7 era. There is some interest expressed, but we do need more and we need to fight back if we want Blackbox for Windows to stay afloat. Plus, we would welcome ideas in the lostinthebox forums on anything that would help to advertise the shell. Box for Blackbox!
Comments: 13   by: Pitkon

New Life For Lostinthebox! 2011-08-25 02:55:29
Lostinthebox was mostly abandoned for quite some time, so us admins/mods decided to give it a facelift, starting with the cleaning up of spam that really flooded its pages (over 1,000 pages, over 15,000 spam posts). In the process, there is a possibility that some legit comments/posts may be lost, although we are trying to make sure that the sweep operation affects only spam. After we clear up the mess, lostinthebox will be open again for new comments and posts, plus new threads and, possibly, news about new Blackbox builds (yes, there is something in the works). Also, is back in action and community news will be posted there as well. Long story short, what we are trying to do is revive a shell that seems to be dying a slow death due to the lack of developers, the advent of Win 7 that dont look eye to eye with some BB build etc. etc. Hope you will be with us every step of the way! Blackbox is back with a vengeance!
Comments: 13   by: Pitkon

BBDeleted 0.0.7 Alpha 2009-09-30 05:40:17
after extensive testing, debugging and optimizing this \"Alpha\" version is now production quality, but due to lack of reports I was unable to give it a \"Beta\" name, on my own I have extensively tested it and found that it doesn\'t even need a \"Beta\" stage, it can be considered a \"version 7.0.0\".

because of this, I have released the complete build with full optimizations.
Comments: 1 story link by: monohouse

bbMien updated -> bb4win_mod 7.11 2009-08-11 09:19:57
bbMien has updated to the final bbLean 1.17 codebase & absorbed (almost) all the features of bb4win_mod - bbStyleMaker compatible
Comments: 2 story link by: unkamunka

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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