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another BBDDE update 2003-05-05 19:33:45
I'll take your custom DDE server and raise you one Microsoft API call. What? You call so soon? Oh well ;)

Yeah, nice update on BBDDE that not only uses the progman DDE Server now, but also reduces the file size to 3kb! Enjoy!
Comments: 0 story link by: Tres`ni

Bluebox news 2003-05-03 14:59:01
Some tasty morsels of bluebox news today:
First of all, an updated build of bluebox, namely featuring ability to drag slit apps in/out of the slit.
Next, we have the release of bbdrawer, an icon bar of sorts. Finally, btrash compiled against the latest bluebox source.
Comments: 0 story link by: patm

100 and counting 2003-05-02 17:38:30
Well, in a little bit of site news today, we just passed the 100 screenshot marker. There have actually been 127 uploads, but for one reason or another 27 had to be rejected. I am happy to report that I have never had to reject a screen shot for obsenity, normaly it was bad uploads on the images. Thanx to all the users who use this site and make it worth while!
Screenshot #100: oLdsKuLL's ... (story Link as usual)
Comments: 0 story link by: Tres`ni

BBAnalog 2003-04-26 10:17:26
Whoa, two news postings in under 1 hour. . I think this is the first time that's happened!

" For those out there with a partiality for funky swatch watches, I got your fix. A resizable analogue clock, with date display on ctrl+left click. Double click will show your friendly neighborhood date/time control panel. Source included." (ripped from as usual ;)

Download via story link
Comments: 0 story link by: Tres`ni

Long Lost News on BBNote 2003-04-26 09:59:05
It would appear that grischka has been busy on BBNote and not letting me know, how rude :-P Actually, I don't think anyone knew really, but now you will:

BBNote 1.03 is now avaiable! Can now get a list of open files through a mid click or CTRL+Right Click.. Cool enough for me!

Make sure to check out his bsetroot replacement, allows you to do gradients and bitmaps at the same time! Very nice!
Comments: 0 story link by: Tres`ni

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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