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BBDDE 0.2 2003-04-22 16:20:11
Fixes some peoples problems of the DDE server not working. This was an issue with the way the DDE server was sending the commands to the shell. Long story.. You don't want to know ;) Anyway, the new version should solve any problem people were having with BBDDE seemingly doing nothing when DDE was used.
Comments: 0 story link by: Tres`ni

BBSysmon 0.6 2003-04-16 00:51:07
Hot and fresh out the kitchen comes the latest release of BBSysmon. Mortar and ZenLC have been hard at work and deserve a lot of credit for this one! Serious changelog action and lots of cool new stuff (including configurable display strings!) Check out all the action and my more in-depth posting over at Download is (as always) in the story link..
Comments: 0 story link by: Tres`ni

BBDDE 2003-04-13 23:13:48
Released today over at BB4Win HQ is BBDDE, a DDE server for Blackbox. This should solve a lot of the problems people are having with folders and stuff...
Mad props go out to nivenh who borrowd the LiteStep DDE Server code, which was ripped out of LiteMan (a LiteStep Module). To make it short, I stole the code from nivenh ;) Why reinvent the wheel?

Story link for download..
Comments: 0 story link by: Tres`ni

bsetroot 1.8 2003-04-05 22:00:19
grischka has fixed some resource leakage in BB4Win's bsetroot. He also fixed an issue with 16 bit color. Grab this release at the BB4Win download area. Direct link below ;)
Comments: 0 story link by: Tres`ni

BBSysMon Alpha Release 2003-04-04 00:55:11
The long awaited BB4Win System Monitor is in alpha testing and the developers are asking for your help! Ripped from the desktop forums:

"My associate Mortar and I, with much help from the kind folks in #bb4win, are releasing the first alpha of BBSysmon - a light, minimal system monitoring plugin.

Currently we are able to show:

cpu %
RAM used %
C:\ free MB

At the present time, display is text-only and configuration is manual through the .rc file. In the future we will add graphical modes and a better config system as well as multiple drive support and net in/out rate. We might even consider adding transparency .

Please download and test to your hearts' content. Report any issues here or to the e-mail addresses found in the documentation. "

So there you have it! Download the plugin here and post to the thread there!
Comments: 0 story link by: Tres`ni

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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