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BB Survey Closing Soon 2004-08-18 13:49:33
(Note: Please see the news post just below this one for details on the survey and its purpose).

Response to the survey has been wonderful; I will be closing the survey on August 25 to give myself time to compile and interpret (yes, know, add my commentary to the hard data :P) the results before publication in the next issue of Shell-Shocked. If you haven't taken the survey yet, and you want to, do so by August 25. Thanks to everyone who participated or will participate. :)
Comments: 2 story link by: looper

Windows *box Users Survey 2004-07-19 15:26:56
I've written a survey, kindly hosted by Shell-Shocked, to try and determine usage habits and styles of Windows *box users. This could be useful to developers, who can see what may be needed in the shell or in a plugin. It should also be fun just to see how many people use what kinds of setups. The results (pie charts and all) will be posted as an article in the next issue of Shell-Shocked (#9 just came out, so that would be #10).
Comments: 5 story link by: looper

Plugins Sweet Plugins 2004-06-30 16:26:39
Noticed a few plugins floating around and life's been pretty crazy lately so I haven't gotten around to posting them.

BBMuse displays the title and track number of the current song playing in winamp, it also monitors the playback state of winamp and changes it's display accordingly. It also can be configured as a clock when winamp is not running.

Changes v0.5b
Added clock
Fixed caption clipping
Hopefully fixed win98 support.
Improved resize method, now much smoother.

BBMuse 0.5

Just to let module makers or people that post modules in the chatbox. You can submit it as news or email them to us. Just so they don't go unnoticed which we really don't intend for them to do but sometimes can depending on how busy the chatbox is
Comments: 0   by: Jesterace

Site Update 2004-06-26 19:01:57
Listening to some people in #bb4win on about increasing the number of shots on the main page just so some styles won't get pushed out of eyes reach right off the bat. This is on a trial basis for now, to see how it works out.
Comments: 26   by: Jesterace

xTrayTasks 2004-06-24 03:34:45
xTrayTasks by methodik provides task management from the system tray in one small standalone program. Primarily designed for use with windows explorer, it can also be used with BBTray to give a minimalistic alternative to the various system bar plugins that can be placed conveniently in the slit.
Comments: 1 story link by: gv

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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