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2 Plugins and a little lady 2004-03-17 12:11:04
There's a new developer in town, Kaloth has released 2 plugin for your BB4Win enhancement!

First of we have BBGesture, "It's a gesture recognition plugin. It allows you to draw a custom shape on the gesture pad (press the windows key to bring it up) to launch applications." It's been compared to StrokeIt in functionality, but nothing beats having a plugin do all the work for ya :) Direct download here to avoid working around GeoCities :)

Next up is BBoscilliscope. Everyone loves visualizations, and here's one that you can play with no matter what you use for you media player. It uses the recording settings on your sound card to capture the current system sounds and renders the oscilliscope accordingly. Direct download here.

Today we also bring you some more BBInterface scripts:
psyci created this Dock like script (download rc or zipped).

arcangel33 has done a very nice FooAmp BBInterface Script. "This is an Amp shelf currently set to use FooBar and includes the images. It's set for 600 pixels across for compatibility, so you will have to move it around.... The playlist button currently doesn't work because BBInterface will not accept quotes within quotes for commands... " (Quote from linked thread). You can get the zip file here for those who don't want to have to figure out UUEncode decoding :)

Lastly (but not leastly), mimeryme also has a FoobarControl BBInterface Script! Similar, but without as much functionality as arcangel33's. "Arc, I made a similar config as well, but didn't think to put the app shutdown, open, and playlist buttons or even the hide dock like open/close function. I even made some simple black buttons similar to multiamp's buttons, but I combined the play and the pause buttons and put mine w/ the main volume control.
I've included more bitmaps than actually used (alternates that were made but decided against using to keep the config minimal)." (Quote from linked thread).
You can get it here or here.

Sorry, I lied about the little lady, but I did give you 3 BBI scripts, that makes up for it right? :P
Comments: 4   by: Tres`ni

Edge Flipping for BB4Win 2004-03-04 15:24:14
bladestaylor has a new plugin for all you BB4Win'ers to enjoy:
bbEdgeFlip is a plugin that allows you to change workspaces by simply placing your mouse at the edge of the screen. You can set the distance from the edge that your mouse pointer has to be and the time between flips so you can "scroll" through your workspace I guess :P Check out the short text file or try the plugin for yourself right now!

-- update --
bbEdgeFlip 0.0.3 is released. Note: It does not work with xoblite!
New features include:
- drag windows between workspaces Note: Does not work with BBWinSkin, works with BBHook and/or BBLeanSkin.
- set initial delay before moving to another workspace
- pick placement and height of "hotspots"

See the offical release note here
Comments: 7   by: Tres`ni

Forums News Roundup 2004-03-03 22:33:44
Before I get into the story, I need to apologize to Procic Konstantin, the author of BBZCmdEx. He sent me his plugin Jan 25th, and I did not post on this sooner. I did reply to his email to put him in touch with some of the other news site admins (as he had only email myself), but forgot about the plugin shortly there after. It wasn't until I noticed it on the xoblite plugin list today that I remembered the plugin. My sincere apologize Procic.

An extension to my Broambox, BBZCmdEx adds a lot of features that were lacking in Broambox. Aliasing, internet searching and translations, a calculator, history completion and management, and more internal commands. Internal commands now begin with a period (.) and do not need any trailing punctuation (broambox used commands encapsulated in brackets [] ). The zip file contains a nice help file that will get you started using all of BBZCmdEx's new features!

BBInterface Needs a new Developer
It seems that psyci no longer has time for BBInterface but has licensed the code under the GPL and uploaded it to BB4Win's Plugin CVS module so that anyone wanting to take a crack at it can have a look.

Wharf style script for BBInterface
Our every friendly bladestaylor has cooked up this script [version 1 and 2] for BBI that gives it a LiteStep Wharf style feel. Check it out if you are new to BBI scripting and wondering what all it can do, or just interested in seeing how bladestaylor did it! You can also check out the BroamRelay script seperately here.

BBContoller 0.04b
Being the bored crackmonkey I was, I did a couple updates to BBController. This command line driven applications allows you to control BB4Win in ways that may not always seem obvious. Read all about this update and get your copy today!

Health Warning
As a site admin and a person who cares deeply about the *box community, I feel I should pass on this Health Warning that Fatman wrote up. Though written for BB4Win, I think it pertains to any *box shell :P

BBampTitle, BBnetState, bbsysState
Miss the forums for a few weeks and you miss all the good stuff! It seems that AlmostX has been holdin out on us :P See, he knew about the existence of a few BB4Win plugins written by some Japanesse BB4Win users (Did you know we'd spread that far?) and failed to share this information with the rest of us. For punishment, I think we should force him to upload 3 styles a day for the next week :P More information on the plugins can be found in this thread at Loose-Screws. You can find these plugins mirrored with translated documentation in English at the xoblite Plugin List.
Unfourtantly, the developer has said that all source code for these plugins was lost and that no new versions are forth coming. Doesn't mean they aren't good plugins though :P
Comments: 7   by: Tres`ni

I'm Back 2004-03-03 07:28:44
Well, after a little hiatus which would have been longer if it weren't for Tres`ni and nalenb, I'm back on the scene. Managed to get a computer built from scratch. Anyways I'll be around
Comments: 6 story link by: Jesterace

Drum roll please! 2004-02-25 11:50:14
And the survey says...DING DING DING... The 1000th screenshot/style uploaded to is protoblack by cthulhu! Must say, that's a nice wallpaper too! :)

So there you have it folks, lucky (I think) number 1000 has been reached. Nothing else to see here, move along! :P
Comments: 6   by: Tres`ni

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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